Product details

TAL-MK-1 Portable Presetter

This unit is used to preset the parameters, Monitor and Display the status of subsystem of the TAL Torpedo prior to its launch. Tal-Mk-1 Portable Presetter is used for integration checks during the preparation of torpedo for Launching.

TAL MK-1 Simulator

The Torpedo simulator is used for testing TAL Mk-1 Portable Presetter by simulating TAL to ensure the serviceability of Presetter before connecting to the actual torpedo. It is also used by operators for presetting the TAL. The TAL MK-1 simulator is connected electrically to the Presetter through a cable assembly.

TAL MK-1 DSM / D&P Electronic Unit

TAL MK-1 DSM / D&P Electronic Unit

The digital sequential machine is tested using Portable Presetter or TAL/ A244S Torpedo airborne Presetter by simulating the TAL TORPEDO to ensure the serviceability before mounting inside the DRILL & PRACTICE (D&P) TORPEDO.

TAL/A244S Torpedo Airborn Presetter

The TAL/A244S Torpedo airborne Presetter is designed to install on chetak /ALH(Advance Light Weight Helicopter) helicopter. The TAL/ A244S Torpedos are electrically propelled light weight Torpedos for operating against submarines in shallow and deep waters.This incorporates a homing head , capable of active,passive or mixed modes for closing onto the target.

Airborne Presetter Vibration Test

Airborne Presetter

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